For Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Companies:

Lead ID: #3567 Posted: 01/05/24 (3 months, 3 weeks ago)
Section: Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services
Category: Landscaping Snow Removal & Plowing
Date, Time, Source -- Status:

2024-01-05 08:55 PM Snow Removal & Plowing -- archived

Town where service is needed: Brewster

Project Details:

We are looking for a reliable vendor to service the below locations. The service is per occurrence, so each time we complete a service, we can invoice for it. It’s not per event. For example, if we were forecasted for 5 inches, you could pre-treat on the onset of the store, begin plowing / shoveling at 1.5 to 2inches, return every 2 and clean up for a total of 3 to 4 services depending on timing.

Let me know if you have any questions - We can always set up a call for tomorrow.

Winter Maintenance - Cumberland Farms in Brewster and Orleans MA

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