For Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Companies:

Lead ID: #2048 Posted: 05/22/17 (6 years, 11 months ago)
Section: Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services
Category: Landscaping Shell, Stone, Gravel Driveway
Date, Time, Source -- Status:

2017-05-22 06:06 PM Shell, Stone, Gravel Driveway -- archived

Town where service is needed: Provincetown

Project Details:

We currently have a crushed shell driveway and landscaping and need to replenish it.  I would like to get a quote for 1 quarter of a truck and half a truck to be delivered to our Ptown address and spread throughout the drive way (holds 6 cards in tandem 3 (cars) X 2 (rows).  Could someone contact me with a quote and possible delivery date?

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