Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services

Cape Cod Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation Leads -- Category ID# 119

Description: Installation or repair of fireplace, wood stove or coal stove.

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Total Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation Leads: 35

Lead ID: #2722 Posted: 08/14/21 (3 years, 1 month ago)
Section: Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services
Category: Fireplace & Wood Stove Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation
Date - Time - Source -- Status:
2021-08-14 10:11 AM Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation -- archived

Town where service is needed: Yarmouth

Project Details:

I am looking to have a wood stove installed in a basement

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Lead ID: #2706 Posted: 07/30/21 (3 years, 1 month ago)
Section: Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services
Category: Fireplace & Wood Stove Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation
Date - Time - Source -- Status:
2021-07-30 08:15 AM Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation -- archived

Town where service is needed: Truro

Project Details:

We need to get our vermont castings encore defiant wood burning stove tuned up. Some of the seals need to be replaced.

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Lead ID: #2629 Posted: 03/24/21 (3 years, 6 months ago)
Section: Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services
Category: Fireplace & Wood Stove Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation
Date - Time - Source -- Status:
2021-03-24 01:26 PM Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation -- archived

Town where service is needed: Wellfleet

Project Details:

Wood stove installation in newly built house.

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Lead ID: #2498 Posted: 11/08/20 (3 years, 10 months ago)
Section: Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services
Category: Fireplace & Wood Stove Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation
Date - Time - Source -- Status:
2020-11-08 02:55 PM Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation -- archived

Town where service is needed: Eastham

Project Details:

Would like to buy and install a would burning stove.

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Lead ID: #2422 Posted: 06/15/20 (4 years, 3 months ago)
Section: Cape Cod Home Improvement & Maintenance Services
Category: Fireplace & Wood Stove Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation
Date - Time - Source -- Status:
2020-06-15 02:51 PM Fireplace & Wood Stove Repair & Installation -- archived

Town where service is needed: Eastham

Project Details:

redoing the breezeway including installation of wood stove and non-combustible wall.

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